I saw this in my twitter feed:
Highly polished and impressive videos on the Essentials of Programming: hillelcoren.com/coder
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) January 20, 2012
I watched through the whole thing, and it is indeed an impressive collection of tips to becoming a better programmer. The videos cover a breadth of topics in a short period of time. To give you a taste, the first unit covers managing complexity, the single responsibility principle, separation of concerns, TDD and design patterns. And that's only the first 2 minutes. The total running time is 20 minutes, so you should watch them:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngSDsY7VqRg&w=560&h=315]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBysCfzflvA&w=560&h=315]
The videos have a strange feel to them, since they use public domain clips overlaid with After Effects-generated titles and effects. The visuals are not crucial and more often than not, result in curious juxtapositions of software wisdom with campy footage. Regardless, the content is great.